Provide Messaging capability to your app on any platform

Messaging SDK to connect your users together in real time



.NET / Xarmin


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Messaging Features

1 to 1 Chat

User can chat privately with each other.

1 to Many Chat

Group messaging is also supported


Users can invite other users to be friends in both private and group chat. Complete API with invite, accept and reject with a custom message

Friends List

API to manage friends List, move them to different groups , view properties etc. Users can set custom friends names


Create and manage groups move friends to these groups. example of groups: Friends , Family ,Co Workers etc.

Avatar Images

API to manage display pictures

Power full Administration Panel

Manage all aspects of your data


Graphs and stats of your users and there data


Manage and search of all online and offline messages and files from all your users

User Management

List of all users with there details

Block Users

Block & unblock users from admin

Powerfull Search

Search controls for all messages types and files

API Management

Manage your API keys to access your data

Empower your application with a leading Instant Messenger Software Development Kit


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